About Addictions: Notes from Psychology, Neuroscience and NLPPaperback– 1 September 2008, by Richard Gray
About Addictions provides a perspective for clear thinking about what to do, rather than how to feel about addiction and addiction spectrum disorders. Richard Gray provides the reader with data from Psychology, Neuroscience and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, that will allow clear thought about the nature of these problems and what can be done. As he says in his introduction, this is a book to think with. It is short on doctrine and long on practical information about the nature of addictions and the structure of motivations for change. Gray provides information about diagnosis, reports on studies that say something very important about 'addictive substances' and research in neuroscience, motivation, and preference hierarchies. He provides techniques and perspectives from Neuro-Linguistic Programming to suggest some novel approaches to treating the problem.
Richard M. Gray, PhD is an assistant professor in the School of Criminal Justice, Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, New Jersey. Prior to his appointment at FDU, Dr. Gray served for more than 20 years in the U.S. Probation Department, Brooklyn, New York. Gray was recipient of the 2004 Neuro-Linguistic Programming World Community Award in Education. He is the author of Archetypal Explorations(1996), Transforming Futures: The Brooklyn Program Facilitators Manual (2008), and About Addictions: Notes from Psychology, Neuroscience, and NLP (2008). Dr. Gray received his BA in Psychology from Central College, his MA in Social Psychology from Fordham University, and his PhD in Psychology from the Union Institute. Richard Gray is one of the primary consultants to the NLP Research and Recognition Project. He works on grant writing, and consults regarding methodological considerations.